Friday, March 16, 2012

A Nice Deed Well Done

While on a flight from Atlanta to BWI yesterday (last leg of a return trip from San Antonio), something happened that I think shows the better side of human nature. A tall, broad soldier headed to the back of the economy class, which would have been a miserable ride for someone that tall. The flight attendant stopped him, asked him to wait where he was for a second, scooted to the back and came back smiling. A first-class passenger had asked her to find someone who needed or would enjoy flying first class and give him/her the seat. They opted for the soldier, in thanks for his service to his country. At first the soldier was overwhelmed, a tear or two in his eyes, and then a mighty grin broke out as he called out a "thank you" and said with awe, "I'm going first class!" And he did!
None of us (at least where I sat) knows who the donor was, but all of us heard the the exchange between the flight attendant and the soldier.  There were some big smiles all around and extra "thank yous" given as he passed us going to the front.  Someone quietly set an example of gratitude and kindness.  Maybe some of it even sunk in.