Thanksgiving week with Julie and Steve--what could be better? Park City had almost no snow while I was there (a puny couple of inches, which was gone in a day or so), but the ski resorts were busy making it and to heck with Mother Nature. As long as the temperature was cold enough, the snow makers kept busy. We stopped by Deer Valley one day to watch. Apparently the machines make huge piles of the stuff and then big machines come along and spread it out. Most of the clouds you see in the background are the results of the snow making, not the providers of snow.
Steve and Julie posed for a quick photo.

We were celebrating both Thanksgiving and Julie's birthday. Here she is about to blow out the candles. The rationale behind the number and colors of the candles is a military secret, known only to Julie's mom Joan and Loris Benson, who devised it.

Joan, Julie, and Kathy Covaleski enjoying the wine and friendship.
Steve took a minute to relax by the tree we decorated earlier in the day.
The next day we partied again, two birthday celebrants this time, and at the home of Kathy and Jim Covaleski. Lisa Rudy's birthday was to be the day after the party, and she wasn't there for the Thanksgiving celebration, so... Any excuse for fun!

This time the two shared a cake, while Teresa Schumacher supervised.

Friday night's hosts, Kathy and Jim.

Loris and Bill Benson were present for both events.

Teresa and Rob Schumacher joined us on Friday. Rob was the builder for both Steve and Julie's house and that of Kathy and Jim Covaleski, and both houses are wonderful! Beautifully constructed with many elegant details.

Besides partying, we did things like checking out the new museum in town and shopping. The weather was unusually warm for Park City in November, so it was nice being outside, even for one who is inclined to turn into an icicle in cold weather. A great trip (the plane rides were smooth, too).
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